Loading vans with freight using Pred Ruby

A Review of our Working Procedures

As we try to move out of Covid, Just 1 Source have adapted to the many changes in our working practices. New routines and social distancing have required a full reconstruction of the way we operate as a business, including how we communicate with our colleagues and our customers.

When lockdown stopped face-to-face meetings, we turned to technology and started utilising digital platforms such as zoom. With the majority of the Just 1 Source Sales Team now working remotely from home, zoom enables us to meet with our colleagues for a daily catch up and we always have Zoom Sales Team meetings every Friday. Zoom also enables us to continue to grow the Partnerships with our customers, but in a safer and more sustainable environment. That said, we are also open to face-to-face meetings in controlled conditions.

There are other obstacles that the Pandemic has thrown our way to question our resolve, such as inflated raw material costs, the current UK Port Congestion and excessive shipping rates that are having an effect on businesses globally. We continue to absorb as many of these costs as possible and only pass on where absolutely necessary. Our stock levels have also increased to support our commitment to hold sufficient Predator products to meet our customer’s requirements.

Work-life has definitely changed since Boris announced the lockdown of our country on the 23rd March 2020, but Just 1 Source will strive to maintain and exceed the service levels our customers have become accustomed to, with the minimum of fuss, a positive view, and a smile on our face.

If we can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01653 617718 or email us at sales@just1source.com

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